It takes two of us...
Daniel and Sean have never worked together in the same room - but have spent years together in the same space. Separated by physical distance, at times literally thousands of kilometres apart, our collaboration is the best example of how effective working together in Virtual Reality can be. It is not theory.
Our background is in the digitalisation of companies, both in terms of creating and enabling new digital business models to introducing new methods of remote work. Our cooperation in founding headroom stems from the realisation of the power of Virtual Reality and how it can significantly boost collaboration for decentralised teams. It is our belief that this new social technology will shake up how companies work in future.
Our objective is always to provide the best possible experience. This has many facets, from the very fact that we understand how much better a VR meeting can be compared to a video conference right up to the way we support teams who want to use the technology. In this common understanding that the experience must be perfect, one aspect of our service is that it cannot be carried out by just one of us: it always takes two.
Daniel Schaefer
Consultant for Remote Work, 14 years experience in the field of media technology, bringing humans and technology together
Sean Keogh
Consultant for Digitalisation, previously VP eCommerce Swarovski and CPO mybet